CCB Garant ranks among the Top 3 in Funds in Bonds Category of the annual ranking of the most successful mutual funds in Bulgaria by

The sixth edition of Investor Finance Forum presented the ranking of the mutual funds in Bulgaria, using data on 115 mutual funds managed by 28 managing companies. Based on the preset criteria, only mutual funds established prior to 31 December 2013 are covered. These are 99 funds divided according to their risk profile into 7 categories.

CCB Garant Mutual Fund of CCB Assets Management EAD ranked among the Top 3 in the Funds in Bonds Category with a score of 8625. Its competitor was Elana Free Money Fund of MC ELANA Fund Management, and the winner in this category is UBB Platinum Bonds of UBB Asset Management AD with a score of 9,775 in the final ranking.  

The annual ranking of mutual funds in Bulgaria covers funds managed by companies that are members of the Bulgarian Association of Management Companies (BAMC). The main reason for this general selection is the fact that the BAMC website provides daily unified public information about the NAV/unit (net asset value per unit) for each mutual fund.

For the purpose of broadening the ranking in 2017, other Bulgarian management companies, non-BAMC members, were invited to provide data on their products. Accordingly, collective investment schemes (CIS) managed by 28 management companies (MC) (24 BAMC members and 4 non-BAMC members as at 31 October 2017) were included in the ranking.